NYB Umpire Association

If you are interested in joining the NYB Umpire Association, email executivedirector@noblesvillebaseball.org

Umpire Schedule


1. How old do you need to be to umpire? 14

2. What are the requirements to umpire? Is there training and if so, is there a cost? There is a no cost to become an umpire*.  You do not need any prior experience. We train the new umpires.  * You do need to pay for your own equipment/gear.  NYB doesn’t provide any umpire equipment.

3. Do I need my own gear? If so, what is the cost? It is a good idea to purchase your own gear. All this will be covered during training. You can get an idea on cost by googling “umpire equipment”.

4. Is there flexibility with scheduling due to school and sports? Yes. We would like for umpires to be available between April 9 – July 8.  We can work around other work/personal schedules as needed.

5.  How much money will I make? Pay is determined by experience and what level you umpire at.  Umpiring is this best part time job in the world.  After you are trained, at a minimum you will make $12.5 per hour.  Umpires can make anywhere from $300 to $1000 weekly.